Two reasons:
First, because they don’t
have a real live track record.
Second, because they data curve fit
their results to make them look good so you will invest. Then it blows up because their “system” was never meant to work in the real world. It was only meant to work long enough for them to churn your account and make some fees.
I’m in this for the long haul. My traders
are in it for the long haul.
We plan to be here well beyond the time each trader hits around 100 million AUM and shuts off to new clients.
Why? Because over the years I’m SURE I’ll discover another 1-2 amazing underground traders who want a piece of the pie without the headache of managing clients (yes sometimes you guys are a headache).
Understand this: REAL TRADERS that earn a full time living trading don’t want to manage others people money. So even though I turn away a LOT of traders each year, of the GOOD ones I find, only a small percentage of them agree to work with me (you).
Ok, back to churning and broker rebates: we get $0 rebates from the broker we use.
Those rebates Encourage overtrading! That’s why none of my traders get any rebates or bonuses from the broker. If they got it they would be rewarded every time they place a trade. Most crypto currency exchanges do offer these bonuses and they are a 100% conflict of interest!
That leads to over trading which leads to
devastation. It’s a complete conflict of my clients’ interests, and I don’t allow it.
Just like I’m hard on you right now, I’m the same way and EVEN HARDER with my traders. If any of my traders ever hit their max risk limit (35%), I fire them.
We’re not here to be friends, but to make money.
Nothing personal, it’s business.
By the way, if you can’t risk 35% to make 70%
+ annual returns, you’re really living in a dream world and need to log off now.
In case you haven’t seen the performance record yet, the maximum drawdown (loss) hasn’t come close to 35%, and I don’t expect it to.
With that said, I obviously don’t know the future (no real trader worth their salt does), and I do have to say by law that trading is risky (be sure to read my full Risk Disclosure).
The difference with how I run my traders is that if they hit more than a 35% draw down they get fired.
Therefore, if this worse case should ever happen, at least you know where you stand as far as max risk goes. Most traders have horrible risk management and risk 100% of your account.
Also if you diversify with using two or more of my
traders then your risk goes even lower because all my traders returns and drawdowns are uncorrelated.
Most investors I know would give their right arm for
70%+ annual returns with risks that low.
I don’t work for free, just like my traders and you
don’t work for free. If you think everyone should work for free, you definitely have the wrong site and need to log off now.
I’m paid PART of the 30% performance fee.
Last important point: Your account is always 100% liquid. You can cash out and walk away at any time.
Cancel your limited power of attorney and request
all your funds at anytime.
You can’t do that with hedge funds, just try it and see
(they have what is called a “lock up period”).
So you want to talk to me, right?
So does everyone else, you would be kind of stupid if you said no (after you see our performance and read all my articles).
So I had to create a few hoops in order to weed out the time wasters.
So here goes.
I’m extremely busy and don’t have time to deal with chuckleheads. I will reply to your emails within 72 hours, but ONLY after you have read my ENTIRE website (yes read EVERY article because I WILL ask you this on the phone).
If you want to speak by phone for a maximum of 15 minutes give me a call. If I don’t answer, leave me a detailed message and I’ll call you back.
If you want to speak for more than 15 minutes, I charge $500 an hour for my time. Like I said I don’t have time to deal with chuckleheads.
For my benefit, I’ll ask a few questions to get to know you better and see if we are a good fit.
At the end of our conversation if either of us feels that we’re not good for each other we’ll go our separate ways, no big deal.
We are getting to our goal of 100 million AUM with or without you. My traders already trade a good sum of money (there own money, others and mine) and it’s been under 12 months since we started.
If I’m too “harsh” with you, go ahead and log off now. The markets are harsh.
The markets are designed to take your money! 95%+ of all traders lose. It’s hard to find good traders and even harder to get them to agree to manage money.
Most with this skill set just want to be left alone and only trade their own money. They don’t want the hassle of dealing with clients, phone calls and paperwork.
That is where I come in. I find those needles in the haystack.
If you can’t treat this as an investment we aren’t a fit.
Make no mistake, I made this a pain in order to literally run away the wimps and people who are broke. If you are either, I am not your man.
If you are broke, move on.
Enter your email in the top section of my website now to get started or give me a call and I’ll email you the paperwork and broker information.
I’ll give you one word of warning; you’ll probably never see an offer like this again.
Most guys like me have CLOSED their programs.
Once we’ve reached 100 million or so per trader, we will close for good.
Like I said before, it’s harder to earn 70%+ annual returns on a billion than it is on 100 million (yes even Bitcoin has liquidity issues at the higher level, we’ve done the volume study).
Since we don’t charge a 1-2% management fee like the other guys we don’t have an incentive to grow to a billion dollar fund.
That’s one reason why George Soros’s 12 billion Quantum hedge fund has had weak performance during his last decade (sidenote: I Really don’t like George..... but I’ll save that for another day).
Those big funds are all about Protecting their nest egg, their 1-2% per year management fee. If you do the math you will see exactly why!
We will close our programs. It’s only a matter of time (my guess is in 2020 or 2021).
So pull the trigger now and enter your email to book an appointment or give me a call.
Remember, my traders consistently post 30% to 70%+ annual returns. It’s completely hands free on your part.
When you see the track records you’ll notice the losses are extremely small when compared to the gains.
This is the big time, it’s what real investors dream of.
I’ve asked you 4-5 times now to log off. Since you haven’t done that yet I’ll assume you’re serious, so enter your email at the top of my site now to get started.
Speak soon,
Tim Mai
P.S – If you want to talk for 15 minutes I have a few criteria: